Our 2022

Planting Report


Get the 2022 Report

Our Impact in 2022

One Tree Planted made an incredible impact for the environment and local communities in 2022, all thanks to you! We expanded into new regions, forged strategic partnerships, grew our team of forestry experts, and planted more trees than ever before. 

 Thanks to our amazing donors, we planted 52,793,657 trees in 2022, with over 44 million already committed to be planted in 2023!


Trees Planted


Hectares Restored







This year was one of growth and resilience in the face of challenging social, political, economic and environmental forces. Through it all, One Tree Planted persevered and focused on what we do best: planting trees.

As an action-driven organization, we like to celebrate positive accomplishments and inspire our collective motivation.

That's why we are proud to have participated in the COP27 Climate Summit and the COP15 Biodiversity Conference, hosted our inaugural ForestFest Conference, secured an additional 20 million in restoration funding from the Bezos Earth Fund, and more than doubled the amount of trees we were able to get in the ground.

Planting trees is just one piece within the larger mosaic of action needed, but from restoring old-growth forests to empowering rural smallholder farmers with life-changing sustainable agroforestry trees, we have seen the incredible things that we can accomplish when we are working together towards a shared cause. 

Planting 52 Million Trees

A Year in Review

Before One Tree Planted has even reached a decade of planting, we have been able to get more than 91,543,657 trees in the ground! This year alone, 52,793,657 trees were planted through 327 projects in 74 countries around the world.

But as we often say, reforestation is about more than planting trees. It’s about growing healthy forests, and communities. From supporting over 50,582 farming families to employing/involving over 26,254 women, we are so proud of the lasting social and economic impact that we’ve made, together.

As the proverb goes, it takes a village. And we couldn’t have done any of this without our incredible global village of supporters, volunteers, partners and tree ambassadors. You inspire us every day with your unwavering dedication to protecting the environment, one tree at a time.

Continued Collaboration



Our partnership with WRI continues to grow. This year, we were honored to collaborate with them on the implementation of TerraFund for AFR100 Phase 1, allowing us to design and manage a first-of-its-kind continent-wide restoration program!

Bezos Earth Fund

Bezos Earth Fund

Thanks to generous support from Bezos Earth Fund, we, together with WRI, secured an additional $20M to supporta second phase of TerraFund for AFR100. Bezos Earth Fund's trust in One Tree Planted allows us to play a leading role in unlocking the full restoration potential in Africa.

Bezos Earth Fund


Thanks to our partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, we're planting 4.1 million trees through 15 projects in 9 Southeast US states over the next 3 years to restore historic Longleaf Pine ecosystems. We're excited to see where this partnership grows!

Bezos Earth Fund

Planet Women

From co-hosting a webinar on International Women'sDay to enriching our Terrafund for AFR100 projects with a powerful fellowship program, working together with Planet Women allows us to provide opportunities for women, and promote gender equality — which so often goes hand in hand with restoration work.

Osa Conservation

Osa Conservation

We're proud to work with OSA, who have started a widespread citizen science network to help support the long-term survival of tropical species, generate basic scientific information for 120 species, and more!

Borders Forest Trust

Borders Forest Trust

Reviving the Wild Heart of Southern Scotland with Borders Forest Trust, we're repairing centuries of overgrazing, bringing back native woodlands and restoring biodiversity.

Our Photos from 2022

Ready to make a
greater impact in 2023?

Plant a Tree