We Are

One Tree Planted

A non-profit organization focused on Global Reforestation

Our Vision

We want to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Together we can restore forests, create habitat for biodiversity, and make a positive social impact around the world.

We plant one tree with every dollar donated.

Want to help make a positive impact for the environment?

One Dollar. One Tree. One Planet.

Since 2014, we have more than doubled the number of trees planted each year, and are working with partners across 80+ countries in North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Pacific.


Planting Partners




Trees Planted

Our Impact over the Years

We have planted over 92.7 million trees in more than 80 countries across the globe since 2014. In 2022, we more than doubled our impact from 2021 - with 52.7 million trees!

Download 2022 Report
52.7 million trees in 2022
52.7 million trees in 2022

Our Process

You donate on our website

You donate
on our website

We pool the donations

We pool
the donations

Partners grow saplings

grow saplings

Teams plant in rainy season

Teams plant in
rainy season

We report your impact

Trees are

We report your impact

We report
your impact

Planting a Forest

Since our establishment, we have been dedicated to making it easier for both individuals and businesses to give back to the environment, create a healthier climate, protect biodiversity, and help reforestation efforts.

With your support, we aid in environmental conservation and restoration across the globe!

Plant a tree

Our Planting Process

Site is prepared

Phase 1 • $.10

The Site is prepared

Land preparations
& weeding

Trees are grown

Phase 2ʉۢ $.60

Trees are grown

Saplings nurtured
in the nursery

Trees are planted

Phase 3ʉۢ $.15

Trees are planted

Transport &
planting by hand

Trees are monitored

Phase 4 • $.15

Trees are monitored

Impact reports
& operations

*Approximate breakdown of the average tree planting US dollar. Costs vary by project.

Get to know More about us

Support A Reforestation Project

Our global projects help to restore forests after fires and floods, create jobs, build communities, and protect habitat for wildlife.