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South America's Andes, one of the world's longest mountain ranges, run along the western coast from Venezuela to Chile. This project revitalizes forests and supports indigenous groups. Learn more
With your help, we will:
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South America's Andes, one of the world's longest mountain ranges, run along the western coast from Venezuela to Chile. This project revitalizes forests and supports indigenous groups. Learn more
With your help, we will:
Planting native tree species keeps the ecosystem stable and helps curtail the spread of invasive species. The Andes are home to a wealth of animals, many of them endangered or threatened, so maintaining their habitat by planting trees will help these species continue to thrive throughout the mountain range.
Water coming from the Andes is critical for many communities and cities as they serve as the headwaters of the Amazon Basin. Tree planting in this region will protect watersheds, stabilize the soil, and ensure upstream and downstream communities have access to clean water.
The Indigenous communities who once thrived off the resources provided by the Andes are shrinking as youth move away in search of work. Rebuilding these communities will provide younger generations with economic opportunities, allowing them to stay and practice their traditional culture and way of life.