
Together, Planting A Forest.

Planting trees in Ethiopia will help restore vital landscapes that have been degraded through the years, empowering communities with the knowledge to make a difference. Learn more

With your help, we will:

  • Educate young people and empower communities
  • Improve food & water security
  • Support local economy by planting trees
  • Reforestation in Ethiopia will help link environmental restoration with income generation, providing the local community with the knowledge and tools to conserve their land, protect their water supply, and create a sustainable economy for future generations. This project focuses on the Loka Bedelcha Kebele in Southern Ethiopia, and the Amhara region in the North. These regions face challenges like dry and unpredictable climates, poor soil fertility, ineffective land management practices, and lenient resource regulations.
  • Our planting partners are dedicated to improving the living standards of smallholder farmers and marginalized pastoralists through better management of their environment and improved access to food. Taking place on communal lands and around homesteads, the planting of these trees will be tied to sustainable business for the local community. Community cooperatives will be the primary implementers of the project, while school clubs will be established to engage in the tree plantation to learn by doing.
  • A personalized tree certificate (see gallery) to say thanks for your donation. We’ll also send you reports on our Ethiopia project, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the community and environment.
  • Our partners will plant a variety of trees to ensure this project has a wide-ranging impact. These include multi-purpose tree species such as Eu. globulus, Eu. camaldulensis, Olea africana, Grevillea robusta, Acacia decurrens, and Cupressus lusitanica.
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Planting trees in Ethiopia will help restore vital landscapes that have been degraded through the years, empowering communities with the knowledge to make a difference. Learn more

With your help, we will:

  • Educate young people and empower communities
  • Improve food & water security
  • Support local economy by planting trees
  • Reforestation in Ethiopia will help link environmental restoration with income generation, providing the local community with the knowledge and tools to conserve their land, protect their water supply, and create a sustainable economy for future generations. This project focuses on the Loka Bedelcha Kebele in Southern Ethiopia, and the Amhara region in the North. These regions face challenges like dry and unpredictable climates, poor soil fertility, ineffective land management practices, and lenient resource regulations.
  • Our planting partners are dedicated to improving the living standards of smallholder farmers and marginalized pastoralists through better management of their environment and improved access to food. Taking place on communal lands and around homesteads, the planting of these trees will be tied to sustainable business for the local community. Community cooperatives will be the primary implementers of the project, while school clubs will be established to engage in the tree plantation to learn by doing.
  • A personalized tree certificate (see gallery) to say thanks for your donation. We’ll also send you reports on our Ethiopia project, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the community and environment.
  • Our partners will plant a variety of trees to ensure this project has a wide-ranging impact. These include multi-purpose tree species such as Eu. globulus, Eu. camaldulensis, Olea africana, Grevillea robusta, Acacia decurrens, and Cupressus lusitanica.

Forest Coverage in ETHIOPIA

Map of deforestation in Ethiopia

In 2016, Ethiopia lost 20,000 hectares of forest, equivalent to 1.6Mt of CO₂ of emissions. While significant economic improvements have been made in recent years, environmental degradation presents a serious challenge for Ethiopians. With mounting population pressure, deforestation for more agricultural land has become a way of life for the poor to win daily bread. The majority of the population (approximately 100 million and growing) live in rural areas, relying on farming and livestock rearing for their income and survival.

Our partners have worked in the area since 2014, supporting communities to restore highly degraded lands. In two years (2014-2016), their work has seen much success: seedlings, saplings and trees more than doubled in size, soil moisture and infiltration increased, herbaceous cover significantly improved from 32% to 85%, mammal species reappeared in response to the improving ground cover. These communities are learning to manage their environment collectively, while benefiting from new economic opportunities through beekeeping and livestock.


World Resources Institute

Why Plant in ETHIOPIA?

Planting one tree in Ethiopia

Educate young people

This project will train local high school students in environmental protection, soil & water conservation measures, seedling raising, tree planting & follow-up.

Ethiopia Forests - Mango Tree

Improve food & water security

Planting trees will return stability and nutrients to the soil, improving yields for local farmers and protecting the community’s water supply.

Local community in Ethiopia

Support local economy

Provide a sustainable business model for local farmers by improving soil fertility, increasing crop yield, and diversifying their output with coffee and fruit trees.

More Planting Projects

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AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
Plant Trees for Community
Group of people in the Andes
Group of people in India
Community tree certificate
Happy group in Rwanda
Trees on a persons back in the Andes
Woman with trees on her head in India
Plant Trees for Community
Group of people in the Andes
Group of people in India
Community tree certificate
Happy group in Rwanda
Trees on a persons back in the Andes
Woman with trees on her head in India

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