
Together, Planting A Forest.

Reforestation of Kenya's forests will help support its vital ecosystem, promote wildlife protection, and foster sustainable livelihoods for local communities. Learn more

With your help, we will:

  • Encourage natural forest regeneration
  • Promote biodiversity, conservation, and habitat enhancement
  • Increase local crop productivity and food security
  • Kenya’s forests can be described as highland mosaic ‘Afro-alpine’ forests. Trees that used to dominate these areas include the East African pencil-cedar and African olive. Roughly one-third of the original high-canopy forest still stands and provides important habitat for biodiversity. One of the forests we are planting in, the Kijabe Forest, is only about 5,000 hectares, but a community of almost 200,000 people depend on it for water, wood, and agriculture. Increasing pressure for land poses significant threats to the region, leading to the over-extraction of resources and illegal timber harvesting. The project will embrace agroforestry as a restoration approach, which will include theintegration of crops and trees. A win-win situation in terms of ecological restoration and economic empowerment for the community. 🌱
  • In order to successfully reforest Kenya, we will work directly with communities to protect, conserve, and restore Kenyan forests, helping to safeguard water and other ecosystem services. It will improve the health and nutrition of vulnerable rural households, support gender equality by employing more women, and increase crop productivity, household income, and food security.
  • A personalized tree certificate (see gallery) to say thanks for your donation. We’ll also send you reports on our Kenya project, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the community and environment.
  • We always plant a mix of diverse, native species from local nurseries. This project is working to replenish Kenyan forests through agroferstry, so the native species grown in the nurseries include acacia abyssinica, acacia gerardii, bersama abyssinica, juniperus procera, olea europaea africana, croton megalocarpus, dodonea angustifolia, dombeya angustifolia, dombeya rotundifolia, sesbania sesban, markhamia lutea, prunus africana, trichilia emetica, warburgia ugandensis.
100 500 1000 5000

Looking to plant trees every month? Join The Grove.

Reforestation of Kenya's forests will help support its vital ecosystem, promote wildlife protection, and foster sustainable livelihoods for local communities. Learn more

With your help, we will:

  • Encourage natural forest regeneration
  • Promote biodiversity, conservation, and habitat enhancement
  • Increase local crop productivity and food security
  • Kenya’s forests can be described as highland mosaic ‘Afro-alpine’ forests. Trees that used to dominate these areas include the East African pencil-cedar and African olive. Roughly one-third of the original high-canopy forest still stands and provides important habitat for biodiversity. One of the forests we are planting in, the Kijabe Forest, is only about 5,000 hectares, but a community of almost 200,000 people depend on it for water, wood, and agriculture. Increasing pressure for land poses significant threats to the region, leading to the over-extraction of resources and illegal timber harvesting. The project will embrace agroforestry as a restoration approach, which will include theintegration of crops and trees. A win-win situation in terms of ecological restoration and economic empowerment for the community. 🌱
  • In order to successfully reforest Kenya, we will work directly with communities to protect, conserve, and restore Kenyan forests, helping to safeguard water and other ecosystem services. It will improve the health and nutrition of vulnerable rural households, support gender equality by employing more women, and increase crop productivity, household income, and food security.
  • A personalized tree certificate (see gallery) to say thanks for your donation. We’ll also send you reports on our Kenya project, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the community and environment.
  • We always plant a mix of diverse, native species from local nurseries. This project is working to replenish Kenyan forests through agroferstry, so the native species grown in the nurseries include acacia abyssinica, acacia gerardii, bersama abyssinica, juniperus procera, olea europaea africana, croton megalocarpus, dodonea angustifolia, dombeya angustifolia, dombeya rotundifolia, sesbania sesban, markhamia lutea, prunus africana, trichilia emetica, warburgia ugandensis.

in Collaboration with:

World Resources Institute

Why Plant in Kenya?

Regenerate Native Forests

Regenerate Native Forests

Our restoration approach is primarily centered on two methods: Fostering natural regeneration, and enrichment planting. We will reforest at a density of roughly 1500 stems per hectare of indigenous species, using a combination of emergent colonizers, and a slower-growing, climax species.

Protect Biodiversity

Protect Biodiversity

Ecologically, the presence of a regenerating forest is incredibly important for biodiversity, as a safe haven. With a wide array of habitats, significant increases in species numbers have been noted. These include predators such as leopards and hyenas.

Increase Food Security

Increase Food Security

Since reforestation in Kenya is accomplished through agroforestry, some of the fruit trees planted in Kenya will support crop production and local communities. The shade provided by the trees will also protect people and livestock from various weather conditions.

Forest Coverage in Kenya

Forest Coverage in Kenya
Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goal 8: Economic Growth
Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitization
Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on Land

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AFR100: Plant Trees for Africa
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Plant Trees for Community
Group of people in the Andes
Group of people in India
Community tree certificate
Happy group in Rwanda
Trees on a persons back in the Andes
Woman with trees on her head in India
Plant Trees for Community
Group of people in the Andes
Group of people in India
Community tree certificate
Happy group in Rwanda
Trees on a persons back in the Andes
Woman with trees on her head in India

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